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Pink Theme Bouquet


Simply stated Rose Prick is committed to offering the most exceptional standard of floral artistry and the ultimate in customer satisfaction. Our loyal clientele rely on us every day, we are privileged to have the opportunity to create a floral tribute that reflects the exact emotion they wish to send.


Our team of talented design florists custom craft the most stunning creations utilizing the freshest and most premium selection of flowers. Our creations are unique and inspired and reflect unusual combinations of colour, texture and exquisite styling. 


Offering the most personalized of services; Rose Prick is delighted to recommend an array of arrangements and accents for any occasion from the most spectacular wedding party to corporate events and any type of personal celebration. We additionally offer a weekly corporate delivery program to business offices, restaurants, bars, and hotels and a residential program that can be customized to suit your unique needs.
We work closely with our clients to understand their needs, and offer a full maintenance service where required.

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